Writing Tools: Behaviors
Use these acts of conducting yourself in specific ways yielding proficiency.
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# 128
I am overwhelmed by big creative tasks or change
Micro Execution
The practice of creating incremental, meaningful work in a limited time frame.
# 133
I wish I had more good ideas, I don’t know how to find them
Negative Ideation
Stretch your imagination through the positive power of bad ideas
# 134
I have kind of an idea, but it’s not complete and I’m afraid it will get shit on
Pushing forward incrementally to spiral up to an idea that has a real impact
# 123
I organize my ideas inside my head, but can’t find them
Humbly accepting the limits of your own mind and trusting ideas to an external system instead
# 129
I need some new ideas, or I forget the old ideas we once came up with
Walk The Factory Floor
Creating the ritual of an established parcel of structured curiosity, whereby you casually and thoughtfully peruse every idea you’ve recently accumulated.
# 121
I don’t know if I can wait a year or more to do this project
Macro Oxygenation
Giving large projects a chance to grow on your team by nurturing them with encouragement, freedom and affirmation.
# 132
I’m going through a hard time but I can’t explain what it is
A uniquely appealing activity or practice that enables you to give voice to that which has no words
# 140
I have great ideas inside my head, but people look at me like I’m nuts
Filtering the quality of your ideas through physical reactions, not subjective opinions
# 125
I can’t get anyone on my team to take the time to help me on this thing
Extreme Ownership
Create leverage through the attraction of working, not the arrogance of interruption
# 119
I quit ideas too quickly to neglect them for too long
Inner Oxygenation
Giving small ideas a fighting chance to breathe and grow inside your mind by nurturing them with encouragement, freedom and affirmation
# 106
I have this new project, but people shoot it down and makes me unmotivated
Process Oxygenation
Giving new ideas a fighting chance to breathe and grow by nurturing them with encouragement, freedom and affirmation
# 105
I have this new idea, but people shoot it down and makes me less likely to take action
Team Oxygenation
Giving small ideas a fighting chance to breathe and grow in the organization by nurturing them with encouragement, freedom and affirmation
# 116
I spent all that time practicing that activity for nothing
The ability to tolerate boring, repetitive, isolating tasks that don’t have an immediate payoff
# 111
I’m so focused on customers, I don’t have time to work on my own stuff
The practice of shipping ideas for your own business that are up to the same scale as you would deliver for your customers
# 118
I am not someone who is good at taking action on ideas
Debating negative thinking by attaching the desired creative outcome to your identity
# 113
I am blocked creatively, but I don’t know what my problem is
Wrapping your emotions into words so you have a handle for overcoming creative blocks effectively
# 103
I talk myself out of healthy habits towards creative projects
Habit Redistribution
Finding a new value structure to support positive behavioral change
# 110
I want my idea to go viral and spread
Idea Seeding
Grow the reach and legitimacy for your idea through constant, incremental exposure
# 093
I don’t want to wait for my idiot coworkers who will only slow shit down
Iron Striking
Doing as much as you can for as long as you can, until somebody else takes notice
# 098
I am almost done with this project, but people keep slowing me down from completing it
Finish Lining
Observing and avoiding whatever opposes or weakens forward motion in the final hour
# 094
I tried to get this person’s help on my project but it just never happened
Inconvenience Filter
Make it easy for people to help you by not requiring them to change their usual pattern of behavior
# 085
I can only motivate myself if I have had my coffee
The practice of accomplishing things that get you psyched to work even harder
# 092
I can’t commit to creative work and get things moving
Micro Streaking
Using the force multiplier of task continuity to increase your motivational incentives
# 095
I get lazy and beat myself up about not doing the work
Responding to a personal weakness or professional failure with compassion
# 087
I have nothing to say and maybe won’t ever write another thing again
Consuming your own work to give you solid faith in your creative capabilities
# 083
I don’t want to keep writing the same thing over and over again
A system to call on yourself a little more with each project
# 069
I don’t have a fanbase and I’m writing to nobody
Audience Of None
Actively doing great work for no reason other than to feel the positive internal experience it provides
# 073
I complain about things too much and it’s unproductive
Railroad Switch
Catching yourself in the act of making superfluous complaints and redirect that energy more usefully
# 076
I’m losing energy on a project I’ve been doing for a while
Try Softer
Realizing the full potential of your project by walking away from it
# 070
I want to use my creativity to make a difference in my and other people’s lives
Inner Labor
Increasing your leverage by investing in yourself more consistently.
# 065
I don’t know where I end and the work begins
Reverse Curfew
A time based boundary to build discipline as a remote worker
# 056
I can’t make anything original and stand out
To become so identified with your work that nobody could steal it
# 054
I can’t find my true voice as a creator
Trusting your willingness to be true to yourself
# 050
I’m not inspired, I want my work to be honest and stand out
Channeling the dark, unconscious aspects of your personality in the service of your creative works
# 057
I love making things, but don’t know what to do the rest of the time
Faithful Forces
The custom universe can you count on to help inform your artistic spirit
# 042
I wish more people on the team would believe in themselves and contribute their ideas
Giving people and their ideas clarification, validation and permission.
# 041
I get too distracted and can’t get my work done
Achieve creative productivity through social proximity
# 060
I’m struggling to find ideas and can’t look at the blank screen anymore
Solvitas Perambulator
Using rhythmic, repetitive exercise or action to clear your mind, stabilize your emotions and increase endophins
# 027
I’m never going to meditate but I need to escape the world
Purposely escape from the burdens of the world with a manageable, self contained activity.
# 029
I don’t think bragging about my work is appropriate
Victory Dance
The act of loving ourselves by acknowledging moments when we’re proud of our completed work
# 024
I can’t build off this spark of an idea and make it bigger
Moment Of Conception
The single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to you, something wants to be built here.
# 037
I want to have a creative career that’s sustainable and growing
Mezzo Streaking
Using the force multiplier of habit continuity to increase your motivational incentives
# 032
I get competitive and end up exhausting myself for nothing
Unfinish Line
Treating creativity as an imperfect and noncompetitive practice that never ends
# 011
I’m can’t figure out what I should write next
A daily ritual of emotional release where you metabolize your experiences, make serious mental headway into your ideas and get the creative faucet flowing.
# 012
I wish it didn’t take so long for me to settle in and start my work
On Ramp
A creative subroutine that brings up your energy and snaps you into the appropriate state of mind to do your work.
# 001
I get discouraged and unmotivated and can’t create
Selfless Service
A ritual of taking small, productive actions on our own behalf that create value in the world for at least one person besides ourselves.
# 017
I have ideas that aren’t fully formed or finished
Micro Expression
Creating ideas in a piecemeal, nonlinear fashion, without the constraints of chronology, sequence, rational order and narrative.
# 007
I’m not feeling like myself and growing anxious about creating
The practice of inspiring and reinspiring yourself based on each of your unique preferences and passions and predispositions.
# 003
I am impatient and want an immediate payoff from my actions
Showing Up
Playing the long term statistical averages of the creative process
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