I can’t commit to creative work and get things moving

Micro Streaking


The Context

Godin's bestselling book reminds us that the fear of falling behind is a good way to enforce compliance. But real progress comes not from measuring ourselves against everyone else’s pace, but in building habits. And habits come from streaks. Drip by drip, day by day. Habits lead to commitments and commitments create learning. What’s your streak? What habits of yours are other people talking about?

The Tool

two color

Micro Streaking

MICRO STREAKING — Using the force multiplier of task continuity to increase your motivational incentives

This is a rare form of leverage that grows daily. It happens in small daily increments. Think of it is microexecution, which is the incremental ability to create meaningful work in a limited time frame. In fact, the word streak derives from the term strica, which means, line of motion. If you can find something that becomes its own reward, something that creates internal pressure to not break the chain, something that starts as a commitment but then evolves into a daily practice, then your streak will become the lever you pull to move the world. You don’t have to wear a nametag, it just has to stick.

Scott's Take

Scott's Take

Once my nametag streak passed the critical thousand day mark, something strange happened. People took me more seriously. Clocking over from three digits to four digits elevated my brand story. Suddenly, the nametag had a stronger narrative impact. The magnitude of that number created an emotional reaction in people. Because at that point, it wasn’t a joke anymore. My crazy idea didn’t seem so crazy. What’s interesting is, that level of commitment swung back and impacted my behavior as well. Now that other people were taking me more seriously, I followed suit. Streaks are powerful like that. Every day that your number goes up by another point, you feel proud and empowered and motivated to continue the journey.

The Rest

Seinfeld understands micro streaking. As a comedian and writer, he has an estimated net worth of eight hundred million dollars. And so, it’s no surprise that he famously said that the way to be a better comic was to create better jokes, and the way to create better jokes was to write every day. He suggested getting a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hanging it on a prominent wall. And for each day that you hit your quota, you get to put a big red x over that day. Then, after a few days you’ll have a chain. And if you just keep at it, the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain as a visual reminder of progress, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. And at that point, your only job is to not break the chain. What streak will create internal pressure not to break the chain?

The Benefits

Enforce compliance through the fear of failing
Grow your leverage in small, daily bursts
Build internal pressure not to break the chain of progress
Improve your ability to follow through with creative commitments

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