I’m going through a hard time but I can’t explain what it is



The Context

Dayton's powerful book on the impact of unresolved trauma shares empirical evidence about the effectiveness of art as therapy. How each of us can use the creative process to give voice to grief that has no words. Listen to how she frames this lifesaving process. The artist self comes to the aid of the suffering self by giving that part of us a voice in which to express the pain of mourning. Taking the energy of our rage and pain, we reinvest in the world and make a positive contribution to ourselves and others. We work with darkness and light rather than running from it. Finding beauty and purpose out of struggle, our artistic optimism transcends the trials of life and turns them into a gift to the world.

The Tool

two color


LIFESAVING — A uniquely appealing activity or practice that enables you to give voice to that which has no words

The aforementioned psychologist explains that people who understand their own insides are in a better position to make the kinds of choices both on a daily basis and for a larger life plan that are tailored to suit their particular needs and wishes. This does not mean you have to become an artist to have a fulfilling life. Rather, it’s a invitation to find some activity or practice that enables you to give voice to that which has no words. There are as many ways to do that as there are people to do it.

Scott's Take

Scott's Take

This tool perfectly explains why art making has always been such a nonnegotiable part of my life. Creativity makes life possible for me. Who cares if people notice, enjoy, buy or consume my work? This is therapy, prayer, meditation and medication for me. The canvas is my everything. It’s what strengthens my inner witness and allows me to both connect to and gain distance from my thoughts and feelings. That way it’s easy to grow from my experiences, rather than feel like a victim of them.

The Rest

The goal here is to find something that’s uniquely appealing and closely aligned with your talents, personality, routine, dreams and schedule. What inner barriers prevent you from processing, understanding and offloading your feelings?

The Benefits

Transcend the trials of life and find beauty in struggle
Heal your suffering through creative expression
Improve your ability to process, understand and offload your feelings
Gain the benefits of therapy, prayer, meditation and meditation

Table of Contents