# 303
I add value to the team but nobody appreciates my effort
Framing our creative work as a gift of generosity, not an obligation of labor
# 282
I’m a new writer on a team, and want to make a difference and be here long term
Resale Value
Thinking of your organization as an asset that appreciates in economic value every day that you show up
# 230
I keep writing the same things over and over, and need to branch out
Growing your creative life in an open ended, upward curve of new possibilities
# 185
I can’t follow my passion and make money, but I can’t do things that don’t excite me
Passion Inversion
The intention of not following your passion, but finding ways to bring it with you everywhere you go
# 193
I work in a high stress environment, and everyone around me is having a breakdown
Treating energy as the measurement of how much change might occur in a system
# 173
I am always proving myself, and it’s exhausting
Loving our creative work without relying on interpersonal or organizational approval
# 099
I am stuck in bad creative habits
Going back to ground zero of your unique motivational system to start or stop behaviors
# 078
I want to reinvent myself or switch careers
Setting an intention for how you want to experience life and doing your best to thread that through creative endeavors.
# 006
I would love to write more, but I’m not sure where to start
Aligning yourself with nature’s timing of creative inhaling, pausing and exhaling.