October 1, 2024

We’ll just see what happens. Or will we?


Instead of saying, we’ll just see what happens, why not be proactive?

Why not take steps to shape outcomes in the way we desire?

Look, I understand that we can’t plan everything in life. It’s liberating to go with the flow and have zero agenda. Even I have long since accepted that the human experience is unpredictable, control is an illusion, and embracing uncertainty is necessary for creating fulfillment.

And yet, the best opportunities for personal growth don’t merely fall into our laps. People may believe they’re being super enlightened and zen like when they announce to the world, yeah man, I’m someone who just lets things unfold naturally. Nobody’s going to challenge that wisdom.

But I will. If only as a thought experiment.

Because in my experience, when someone keeps repeating that mantra, we’ll just see what happens, I can’t help but wonder if it’s a defensive mechanism. Could it be a psychological insurance policy that exempts them from taking responsibility, confronting difficult decisions or coping with uncomfortable feelings? When does going with the flow stop being a peaceful existence and start being passive aggression? Maybe there’s a fear of failure or a need for perfection in there somewhere too.

Now, this mindset happens on a person by person basis. And it’s easy for me to call it out, since I index high on conscientiousness. Always have. Even when I was a kid, I put a lot deliberate intention and thought into my behavior. Discipline has always been kind of my thing.

What’s interesting is, while personality traits like conscientiousness are typically considered genetic and relatively stable, biology is not destiny. We can learn to become more proactive over time.