# 161
I’m a high achiever and it’s hard to relax and enjoy myself
Joy Triggers
Embrace a diverse set of activities that form a complete identity.
# 121
I don’t know if I can wait a year or more to do this project
Macro Oxygenation
Giving large projects a chance to grow on your team by nurturing them with encouragement, freedom and affirmation.
# 132
I’m going through a hard time but I can’t explain what it is
A uniquely appealing activity or practice that enables you to give voice to that which has no words
# 057
I love making things, but don’t know what to do the rest of the time
Faithful Forces
The custom universe can you count on to help inform your artistic spirit
# 027
I’m never going to meditate but I need to escape the world
Purposely escape from the burdens of the world with a manageable, self contained activity.