# 261
I write great stuff, but I’m not sure how, and I want to improve my skills
Deconstructive Learning
Attaching introspection to action to understand the full extent of your capabilities so you can replicate your success
# 242
I want to do something completely different in my creative life, and it’s scary
The reinvention process of peeling off your old identity and creating a new one that sticks
# 207
I wish I could go viral and have fortunate things happen to me like they do for others
Lucking Up
A specific set of strategic moves that have to happen after a fortunate incident in order to carry the momentum forward
# 217
I am bored, there is nothing to do, and I’m going crazy
Crop Rotation
Regularly changing and invigorating your creative ground in order to stay fertile over the long arc of your career
# 191
I have this task, project or experience that I know will be stressful, chaotic and emotionally volatile
Maximize the potential for success by putting a greater proportion of the activity at the beginning of the process
# 079
I don’t know how, don’t want or don’t like organizing my thinking
Using basic knowledge management to overcome inspirational and executional blocks