The Context
The flow of creativity is the constant. The feelings of the creator are the variable. And if you seek to consistently generate compelling messages and work on a prolific scale as a communicator, you need better constants. Muscles to count on, places to return to, rituals to abide by, people to confide in, rocks to anchor to, practices to rely on, structures to lean against, these routines become the repertoire of faithful forces to keep your creative life stable and fruitful when circumstances get a little too overwhelming.
The Tool
GASKETING -- A daily ritual of emotional release where you metabolize your experiences, make serious mental headway into your ideas and get the creative faucet flowing.
Find a daily ritual of emotional release where you metabolize your experiences, make serious mental headway into your ideas and get the creative faucet flowing. A space without circumference, a private container of safety where judgment can’t enter and a free venue where ideas can run free without the scrutiny of readers, critics, editors and yourself.
Scott's Take
Julia Cameron, author of the bestselling series The Artist’s Way, pioneered this journaling exercise twenty years ago. She called it morning pages. Here’s how it works: First thing in the morning, even before checking email, open a blank document, either on paper or on your computer. Spew out every single thought and feeling and idea that’s running through your mind. Dreams, worries, fears, annoyances, ideas, what you did the day before, everything. Keep writing until you’ve filled up three pages. And when you’re done, feel free to save or delete the document, and then get on with your day. Try it for a week, and you’ll quickly find that that vomiting is one of the constants you won’t be able to live without.
The Rest
There’s no one right way to do it. What matters is that you understand the science behind it as a constant. What matters is that you trust the process as a gateway to prolificacy. Where do you purge your mind and spirit?
The Benefits
Ventilate your feelings in a healthy way
Enter into flow state quickly and regularly
Accurately attune to your body/emotions
Train your mind to receive inspiration