I can’t stay motivated to keep working on projects

Creative Commitment


The Context

Commitment. That’s the ultimate constraint. Deciding that you’re going to show up every day and create, no matter what. Treating your work as a daily practice, professionalizing your art and using daily momentum to keep yourself from feeling detached from the process. Ask any professional creator, there’s a mysterious dimension to mundane work ethic. Commitment creates a gravitational field that draws good things into it. Commitment, then, as a restraint, is actually what sets you free. Commitment is freedom from results. When you’ve committed to doing something everyday, there’s no finish line in sight. Because you’re not playing to win, you’re playing to keep the game going. Today, it’s about the journey, not the destination, which allows you to be fully present with the activity at hand. Commitment is freedom from inhibition. When you’ve committed to doing something everyday, there’s no limitations on taking shots and missing. Because you’re just going zero out your board when you play tomorrow anyway. Today, it’s about suiting up, hanging your balls out hitting it with all you’ve got. Commitment is freedom from pressure. When you’ve committed to doing something everyday, there’s no need to put all your eggs in one basket. Because you’re distributing your effort into small, consistent, doable increments.

The Tool

two color

Creative Commitment

A theoretical constraint of treating your art as a daily practice, professionalizing your art and using daily momentum to keep yourself from feeling detached from the process.

It's about the daily practice, not the big game at the end of the season. Commitment is freedom from focus. When you’ve committed to doing something everyday, the daily measure of time and consistency builds compounding interest. Because you’ve established a gentle flow that obfuscates procrastination. It's about cadence and rhythm and momentum. It’s the only constraint that matters. Start with commitment, and let everything else fall in line.

Scott's Take

Scott's Take

My biggest lessons was that commitment was freedom from quality. When you’ve committed to doing something everyday, there’s no stress about being perfect or right or even good. Because you’re just going to be back tomorrow. It's about focusing on quantity and continuity, trusting that everything else will take care of itself. This is freedom from choice. When you’ve committed to doing something everyday, there’s no wasting brain cells trying to figure out what to do. Because you’ve already made your own decision and met your own standards.

The Rest

Just keep your eye on the ball and let your mind go. Meanwhile, this positive addiction creates extremely optimal conditions for the brain to grow. It's about getting on with your life and getting to work.

The Benefits

Create productively despite mood or time
Establish a flow to stop procrastination
Keep your creative life stable and fruitful when circumstances get overwhelming

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