October 1, 2021

What will assist me in building trust with my true self?


An old professor friend of mine who teaches quantum physics says that motion organizes and creates order.

In his research, he found that through motion, all things tend to their equilibrium and find their place in the universe, thus conspiring towards some unifying geometrical situation.

He calls it the theory of gravitational order.

This concept has been deeply empowering to me since the moment he told me about it. Because anytime life tasks me with some challenge, whether it’s carving the holiday turkey, leading a complex project at work, composing a new song, driving a passenger van full of angry drunk people, or simply doing something that I’ve never done before, reminding myself that motion organizes and creates order makes taking action that much easier.

When I trust that things will tend to their equilibrium, suddenly executing isn’t so overwhelming.

Compare that to when I was younger, and I would get paralyzed by the weight of fear. Scared of not being good or getting it wrong and looking foolish and letting people down, I either shut down or talked myself out of taking action.

It’s as if there is was gravitational pull. No force of resistance to help propel me forward. I was just kind of weightless.

If you want to avoid falling into this execution trap, start by telling yourself some new stories.

One, that you’re never going to be ready enough, smart enough, experienced enough and organized enough, so you may as well knuckle down and buckle in.

Two, when you start doing things with whatever energy is in you, the work teaches you. It’s a tight feedback loop that rewards speed and initiative, not accuracy. Motion doesn’t just create emotion, it creates education.

Three, the faster you say yes to the moment and dive into whatever responsibility you’ve been tasked with, the less time you’ll give your brain to obsess over irrelevant things standing in your way.

Four, once you get used to the process of trying things, you’ll find out what really works for you and be able to flip from improvising to being more deliberate.

Remember, life rewards action, commitment and trust.

Forget about getting things right and focus on getting things moving in the right direction.

Use motion to organize and create order, and you’ll be amazed at the results.

What story will help you trust your capacity to handle difficulties?