September 12, 2021

Trust your intuitive choices about what you’re doing


The writer and director of one of the most successful spy movie franchises of all time said this:

When you’re cutting a movie, there’s the movie you think you’re making, and then there’s the movie you’ve actually made. It’s only then that you realize what it is.

Christopher Mcquarrie reminds us that art goes where it wants to go, and we go with it. And all we can do is trust the process, trust ourselves, trust whatever else is out of our control, and hope we end up somewhere interesting.

The challenge is, our childhood educational training has brainwashed us into always searching for solutions that are congruent with the teacher’s answer key. And this deeply seeded compliance mindset now causes us to override our intuitions as adults.

Estes writes in her book about the women who run with the wolves that when we assert intuition, we are therefore like the starry night, we gaze at the world through a thousand eyes.

Where do you most trust your intuitive choices about what you’re doing?

My painter friend is a perfect example. He starts a canvas with a sketch, not knowing what the concept means or where it’s going to take him. But he presses on, quite literally, trusting that he can create his way out of uncertainty and into beauty. He also says that sometimes his wife will view an unfinished piece, make a comment about a particular image or color, and that small reflection will open up the entire piece into its rightful direction.

Oh, so that’s what this thing is, he thinks to himself.

Funny how having an audience changes the way the creator experiences their creation.

If you’re in the middle of making something right now, and you’re unsure of where the work wants to go, trust it.

Go with it. Don’t allow your desire for certainty to override your intuition.

Because unlike school, you can’t fail at expressing yourself.

In what areas of your life are you most intuitive?