I am not going to get up earlier, so I need another time to sneak in writing in my day

Wait Loss


The Context

Many of our most challenging creative blocks could be solved by simply waking up earlier. Don’t have the time to work on your side project? Get up earlier and chip away for a bit before work. Can’t carve out the time to flood your brain with inspiration? Get up earlier and crack open that book collecting dust on your desk. The challenge with this kind of solution is, it may be simple but it’s also selective. Waking up even ten or twenty minutes earlier straight up won’t work for many personalities. Hell, most people would rather do almost anything than wake up earlier. That’s perfectly understandable. Sleep is the greatest overnight therapy of all time. Your bed is the only place in the world where you don’t have to try. What’s not to like?

The Tool

two color

Wait Loss

WAIT LOSS — Find, focus and leverage the pockets of freedom you already have

For people in the not getting up earlier camp, find and focus on the pockets of freedom you already have. Use tiny increments of time throughout the day to improve your pace and results. Because there’s no rule that says the muse only shows up at dawn. She doesn’t care when or where you make things, only that you make things. Besides, there is no shortage of moments during a given day where you can convert downtime into mini bursts of creative effort. Eighty percent of life is waiting in line anyway. Why not use that as an opportunity to get inspired or collect and codify your thoughts? Own that process as life, not as some waiting room to get into life, and the world will prove that you always have plenty of time to do create you want.

Scott's Take

Scott's Take

Here's another invention from my production development and innovation game. When you're married, a large percentage of your life is waiting for your wife to get ready. Isn't there something productive we can do during this time? Introducing our new app, Dame Game, a relationship enhancement journal. Use those few minutes before walking out the door to write some words of appreciation, gratitude lists and other thoughtful and loving feelings about your partner. At the end of each month, we'll turn your writing into a custom designed work of art that you can use to remind your sweetie that she's always worth waiting for. Dame Game. Turn your waiting into creating.

The Rest

Remember, getting ideas doesn’t have to mean getting up earlier. Time may be a valuable commodity steadily slipping away, but it’s also ours for the taking. Sometimes we just have to get creative about getting creative. Do you have portable creative environments that equip you to work on your ideas anytime and anywhere?

The Benefits

Reduce the frustration and boredom of idleness
Convert downtime into mini bursts of creative effort
Use tiny increments of time throughout the day to improve your pace and results
Build portable creative environments that equip you to work on your ideas anytime and anywhere

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