June 24, 2021

Now we are going to do something we have never done before


Constantly mixing up my vehicles helps me stay innovative.

That’s why my projects alternate between books, speeches, music, software, films, gameshows, consulting, educational programs, marketing campaigns, and so on.

By creating value through multiple mediums and platforms and channels, my curiosities stay engaged, my thinking stays fresh, my gifts stay challenged and my audience stays interested. Whereas locking my work into a single path would cause the creative muscle to atrophy. Projects would be about as exciting as my toothbrush.

But contrary to popular conditioning, this approach to work doesn’t indicate a lack of focus. Nor does it make me a good candidate for hyperactivity medication.

Quite the opposite. Mixing up our vehicles means we are deeply focused. Not on activity, but on identity. Not on hammering one nail all of our lives, but hammering lots of nails one way, all our lives. The medium is merely the delivery mechanism.

What matters most is the mission that drives it. Because we take ourselves with us wherever we go.

Listen, every innovative endeavor begins by announcing the same thing to ourselves. Now we are going to do something we have never done before. This act of faith, making something new where something did not exist before, is at the heart of what it means to be human.

Are you trapped in the void between projects? Are you teetering on the edge of some astounding creative epiphany?

Good. This liminal space is a tremendous gift. Just know that regardless of what vehicle your next project assumes, your gifts will show up in full force.

May as well try something new.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?