Learn the rules for what happens when this happens


As a creative professional, much of your life revolves around making things.

Creativity is a daily requirement of your career. It’s essential to your livelihood. It’s not only what you do, it’s who you are.

Nothing beats the joy of making something out of nothing, right?

But that process is not always easy. Earning a living from your wits is not for the faint of heart. Making things can be downright stressful and sometimes overwhelming. And if you’re not equipped to handle the inevitable and resistance that accompanies creative work, then you can end up bitter, burned out and broke.

The problem is, every other element of modern business seems to have its own management system.

There’s task management systems, project management systems, financial management systems, customer relationship management systems, hiring management, communication management systems, even office snack management systems.

But none of those tools are purpose built to directly support creative professionals in their work.

If it’s the day before a big meeting, and you’re struggling to generate, organize or execute your ideas, there isn’t one trusted system for you to turn to. Or when you’ve just started a new job and want to add value to your team, there isn’t a universal framework for how to do so.

Sure, there are dozens of apps, games and tools that promise to train the creative brain and expand your imagination. But mostly, they’re just distractions. They’re reactive, not proactive. And people who make things for a living don’t need to get better at handling creative emergencies, they need a system for preventing them.

They need to customize their own set of rules for what happens when the resistance happens.

You ever seen those disaster survival kits? You know, the ones that come complete with water pouches, emergency ponchos, survival whistles, fifty feet of nylon rope and three pairs of flame retardant safety goggles?

People don’t spend two hundred bucks on the kit because they actually think they’ll use every tool inside of it. They buy it because, in a disaster situation, imagine how much calmer they would be knowing they had a plan in place.

That’s what happens when you prepare for events in advance. Emergencies are less likely to knock you off course. You can take action calmly and efficiently to put yourself in the best possible position to thrive. Because you have a protocol.

Listen, if your livelihood revolves around making things, and you’re tired of scrambling for superficial, unsustainable, one off hacks to overcome the struggle, save yourself a bundle of stress and time.

Prolific is the world’s first Personal Creativity Management (PCM) system for your workflow. Every other element of modern business is solving its problems in all these new, technology based ways.

It’s time your brain finally caught up.

What are your rules for what happens when the creative resistance happens?