February 2, 2021
Begin the process of living strongly

Beneath the fear of letting go is the fear of having nothing underneath.
That we might not be supported and strengthened by a sound foundation.
But history has shown that humans are remarkably resilient and resourceful creatures. Most of the time when we reach into ourselves, we find yet another reserve of strength and nerve to carry us through.
And we quickly learn that fear is an illusion that largely comes from believing that we are alone.
Allen writes in his book about being ready for anything that each of us must learn to not only trust our own process, but also to trust that the resources for its manifestation will unfold in the grander scheme.
That’s how we allow ourselves to play our bigger game. Ask anyone who has spent more than ten years as a performer. In the early years of their artistry, they over prepare. Before every show, they ramp themselves up to the max. Because god forbid they go off script or forget their line or seize the moment when something unexpected occurs.
That’s fear. They can’t let go because they think there’s nothing underneath. And whatever crisis might happen during a performance will not only shake their foundations, it will shatter them.
But that same showman, after a decade of racking up the nights under the lights, evolves their relationship with that fear. Twisted but strengthened by the vast creative experiences they have endured, there is a trusted and thrillingly alive force that supports and fuels their art.
This tool is called intuitive leading.
Because they know how to let go and lose themselves. They don’t eliminate fear, but they transcend it to defuse its paralyzing effect. They know that their hands and voice and body and soul will be there when they most need them.
Underneath, they contain multitudes.
Performer or not, just know this.
The benefit to not letting go is zero. It’s only a matter of time before you begin the process of living strongly.
When will you trust the foundation on which so vast an ambition rests?