July 30, 2024

Nourish your natural inclination toward growth


I have a high task motivation.

Having things to accomplish gives me a sense of purpose, structure and usefulness.

That’s why I thrive in environments that provide a steady flow of meaningful tasks. It feeds my desire to be engaged and active. It nourishes my natural inclination toward continuous learning and growth.

Even if those tasks are small, doing that work reinforces my sense of identity. I feel like the best version of myself if I can put my skills to work, contribute the world around me, and learn and grow along the way.

Not that financial reward doesn’t appeal to me. I value money. Competitive salaries, annual bonuses and other incentives are attractive to me. But it’s not necessarily what I optimize for. It’s not a central driver of my motivational system.

I feel appreciated and validated when people and organizations compensate me for my work. Every time I get paid in any form, whether it’s a five dollar tip from a stranger while busking, a salary increase at my job, or a check from someone who hires me to perform a service for them, I recite a mantra.

Money is flowing into my life from all directions. I am wealth, prosperous and abundant. I have plenty of money to do everything I want to do.

But again, task motivation is really more my thing.

If you’re the kind of person who thrives in environments that provide a steady flow of meaningful tasks, try to optimize for that.

It will nourish your natural inclination toward continuous learning and growth. And you’ll feel like best version of yourself.

Do you need more money, or a steady stream of new challenges?